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Cross Diagnosis - Report by Éric Julien

Cross Diagnosis - Report by Éric Julien 

Zigoneshi: I give you, you give me; we exchange.

In the Drôme (France), Kogi shamans and modern scientists find themselves at the focal point of the Earth.

In September 2018, for a "cross-territorial diagnosis" in the Haut-Diois, thirty scientists came to share their expertise and observations with four Kogi shamans. The purpose? To live fraternally in order to recognize each other, a state for the emergence of a new "active" thought in the service of life and a common destiny, that of mankind.

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Proposals and Agreements from the Meeting in Dibulla (Zhigonezhi)

Proposals and Agreements from the Meeting in Dibulla (Zhigonezhi)

At the end of the meeting in Dibulla all those present both Kogi and the representatives of the organisations signed an agreement to take forward a strategy plan for the protection and support of the Kogis and the Sierra. 

Click here to read the whole document.

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Anthropology PhD Thesis

Anthropology PhD Thesis: Living the Law of Origin: The Cosmological, Ontological, Epistemological, and Ecological Framework of Kogi Environmental Politics at Cambridge University.

This study, published in 2017, is based on 2 years of field work with the Kogi and especially on several learning sessions with a few Mamas. It is the beginning of a long-term collaboration to help them better convey and explain the importance of the Sierra Nevada and of their traditions to non-Kogi audiences by establishing a conceptually more solid bridge of communication. In other words, the author follows the conviction that to better understand Kogi ecology, it is necessary to contextualize it within their whole cosmology as a complex way of being based on knowledge. Click the link below to access the thesis.


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The Kogi message is important for us all. They consider themselves to be the guardians of the earth and are worried by our attempts to destroy it. They want their voice and knowledge to be heard around the world and for us to take action to protect the planet that we all share. 

The Kogi need your help to do this.