The Kogi

Kogi Culture

Kogi Culture

The Culture


Kogi Culture and Cultivating Harmony                     

The Kogi have an ancient culture and worldview, which they believe they need to share and we need to understand in order to stop us from destroying the world.

Since 1990, through their films and by establishing a political presence of their own indigenous government they are  seeking to influence Colombia and the wider world. This section describes some of their cultural traditions.




Dialogue To Take Place Between Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in France

Kogi Relationships

The way the Kogi relate to each other and to nature is very different from our own understanding. Their use and of gold within the culture is also particularly interesting.




Training, Leadership and Sacred Sites

The way a Kogi leader (Mama) is selected and trained is a prominent part of their culture. Their training, leadership and work with sacred sites as well as how the Kogi Government is structured is all detailed here.


Dialogue To Take Place Between Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge in France






Support Us

The Kogi message is important for us all. They consider themselves to be the guardians of the earth and are worried by our attempts to destroy it. They want their voice and knowledge to be heard around the world and for us to take action to protect the planet that we all share. 

The Kogi need your help to do this.