
Donate to the Trust 


Please consider supporting the work of the Trust in helping to preserve and protect the indigenous knowledge and people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. 

Click on the button above to donate to the Trust through PayPal, using your debit or credit card, or alternatively make a donation to the Trust's bank account:

Name: Tairona Heritage Trust

Sort Code: 40-03-15

Account number: 81455273

Bank: HSBC


Donors in the USA can donate with a tax rebate here.

All donations are gratefully received. Thank you!

Support Us

The Kogi message is important for us all. They consider themselves to be the guardians of the earth and are worried by our attempts to destroy it. They want their voice and knowledge to be heard around the world and for us to take action to protect the planet that we all share. 

The Kogi need your help to do this.